more to know
· Client cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.
· Botox/Fillers must be done 4 weeks before/after the procedure.
· Must be off Accutane for one full year.
· Refrain from Retin-A, Chemical Peels, Glycolics, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Fish Oil, two weeks prior to appointment.
· Avoid blood thinners, alcohol, ibuprofen, caffeine, and any other pain relievers 24-48 hours before your appointment.
· Avoid working out 24 hours before the procedure.
· As with every tattoo in order to have proper healing, we recommend avoiding swimming, saunas, sun exposure, working out for two weeks following your appointment.
· Waxing/shaping if needed to be done no less than 1 week in advance.
· These procedures can NOT be done if you are prone to keloids.
· If you have little to no existing hair, your hair-stroke tattoo will appear more two-dimensional than those clients who have more hair naturally. A combo brow may be more suitable for you.
· If you have any medical condition that concerns you regarding your tattoo please email
· It is important for your safety that you consult with a physician if you are suffering from hemophilia, are in the middle of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, epileptic episodes, diabetes or hyperglycemia, skin problems, or any other autoimmune diseases, thyroid issues, etc. before booking an appointment. If you have any inquiries regarding this advice, please send an email to
· *Must be over the legal age of 18 - Valid ID Required.
· If you have a prior cosmetic tattoo you must email a picture before booking. If it is too saturated we may not be able to work on, or you will need to book a lightning/ removal session. We do not offer touch-ups on other artists work, touch-up prices are for our previous clients only. If you are a new client to us you must book for a new procedure.